Heating cables

Simple for installation and very flexible


Elektrotermija offers a broad range of heating cables: parallel self-regulating or constant wattage cables, as well as mineral insulated or series resistance cables. We can also provide control equipment, accessories for connection, calculations and engineering. Our heating cables are simple for installation and very flexible. Some types are have a braid due to mechanical protection. Heating cables can be used for maintaining the temperature in containers, pipes and valves. They can also be used for melting ice and snow at entrances and in gutters, or for floor heating. Mineral insulated heating cables are used for industrial applications, when power and temperature requirements exceed the capabilities of self-regulating and constant wattage cables. 


  • Maintenance of temperature in pipes and vessels
  • Door heating in cooling chambers
  • Defrosting of evaporators, frost protection of tubes
  • Ice and snow melting
  • Gutter and roof heaters
  • Door frames for freezer cabinets and containers
  • Underfloor heating, wall heating and ceiling heating
  • Material transport, hoppers
  • Surface heating, plate heating
  • Radiant heaters

Technical data

Type of heating

Temperature maintaining
Floor heating
Contact heating


Heating core: Resistance alloy, Self-limiting matrix
Sheath: Silicone, hermoplastic, teflon, stainless steel


Heating length: Acc. to customer specification
Cold end lenght: Acc. to customer specification


Fixing to the object
Self adhesive aluminum tape
Sheet metal mounting strips
Free standing


Flexible cables acc. to customer specification
Connections protected against humidity


Self-regulating heating cables
Series resistance heating cables
Heating cables with constant wattage
Heating cables for melting of ice and snow
Mineral insulated heating cables

Round or rectangular cross section
Connection at one or both ends


Voltage and power: Acc. to customer specification
Operating temperature: Min. -40°C, Max. 600°C

Accessories: Thermostats, Regulators, Sensors, Terminal boxes, Control cabinets

Product examples